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What happened to Darkest Creations

how i can't make level name for dark deception

its this saturday

what is 1070

what is 1070

This is where things go down. You have to go through a portal that leads to........ the outside of a high school? But this is no ordinary high school, you will soon learn after entering that you are not alone, and you cant escape until you get the soul shards and collect the ring piece, but that's easier said than done, the students here are a lot smarter than your ordinary high school students, as well as a lot faster and more insane. Can you escape? Good Luck.

Note: this is a Dark Deception Fan Game #fangame #horror #action #survival #strategy


Just made the Teleport much more reliable to collect soul shards than it was before

Finally fixed up the teleportation power where now you dont have to worry about teleporting out of the map, though its still unreliable for collecting soul shards unless you teleport right to a soul shards location, but its now working better than before.

Skipping Work On Zone 2 to make the boss battle level, doesnt mean there wont be a second zone, Im just working on the boss room for a while, but this is a small teaser from what it will look like

Cant tell whether i should use Joy kill or Share your pain as the boss music, so imma let you guys decide

Joy Kill:

Share your pain:

14 days total to vote for which one

Dark Deception - Joy Kill
Dark Deception Complete is available on Steam! Dark Deception C...
  5 votes Voting finished

Still looking for a 3d modeler


2/4 powers are done, speed boost and teleport, will say dont rely on teleport to get shards quick, its not very effective at getting them, use teleport to gain more ground between you and the enemy, and try to avoid teleporting though walls at all cost

Zone 1 has more shards than any level in Dark Deception alone, and I will continue working on the game when i get home.

Wanted to clear something up real quick, in case you havent read the description of the game and haven't caught on yet, imma say this now. No this is not a crossover fan game of Dark Deception and TJOC

Will keep updates of this fangame posted here from now on