Comments (14)
Loved the game. Got goku mastered UI at around 7,000 clicks. Went all the way past 8,000 clicks. Anything beyond that? Got massive biceps now btw. Thank you!
Pretty simple but cool scratch game, didn't really thing it was one because people don't usually put any kind of effort into making bitmap sprites anymore but I found this a simple but cool game to pass the time.
i usEd a massagE gun to cheat lol, nice game!!

Dragon Ball Clicker
Game Soundtrack
Instant-Kill Battle - Dragon Ball Super
Welcome to Dragon Ball Clicker!
I'm back everybody, with something new... still from scratch.
Yea i still make stuff with Scratch, but that's because i'm confortable with the thing. And with enough googling, i managed to convert it to an .exe file. Use it wisely.
HOW TO LAUNCH: Download, and launch Dragon Ball Clicker.exe, or use Gamejolt's quickplay option.
HOW TO PLAY: Click or press space, and you'll get more ki! At a certain point, you'll reach some transformations! Get to mastered ultra instinct and you won the game :D
Songs aren't made by me, they are from Dragon Ball Super. Go check it out.
This game is made with Scratch, so if you wanna check out the game in its native website, go check it out there: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/414667722/
CAREFUL: The Scratch version might have upcoming update features that might be glitched, so you might not always have a good experience playing this version, but you also might have a better one!
This game is a tribute to Akira Toriyama. It is NOT produced by or under license from TOEI ANIMATION,ย FUNimationย andย Shueisha.
Please support the official release. #fangame #retro #other