
you do the log in thingy so yeah thats kind yippeee

yeah you died
also this image is like really bad ToT

Night 1 cleared!
you beat Night 1, you may have done nothing while waiting for the night to end who knows?

Night 2 Cleared
You Beat Night 2, yay!

No characters here
"Survived" Custom Night with every character off

Night 3 Clear
it got a bit harder but you still cleared it!

Night 4 Clear
You Beat Night 4!

Night 5 Clear
If imma be honest the "Night (number) Clear" kinda gets boring so yeah and also this night only makes them a bit harder so yeah, but anyways you beat it so yay, you also have like 3 more nights left so yeah.

Night 6 Clear
Night 6 did nothing but make them harder tbh

Night 7 Clear

Night 8 Clear
omg YAY i can stop doing "Night (number) Clear"!!1!!1!!!11!!1! :D
Also like this unlocks custom night so yay

halloween update clear
the halloween update has been cleared
you didnt get a treat but got a trick :(

Custom night all characters end
You Survived Custom Night With every character at their max

You did the thing
You did it you did the thing, also if you are looking to post how to get this please dont as for this is a secret Trophy and also i want people to get it on their own. Now if you didnt mean to get it and you recorded it just kinda cut it out maybe idk.