
Comments (3)

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You must have played the Five Nights At Freddy's series of games and also seen the FNAF Vhs series. But you also probably thought while watching: "What would happen if someone recreated the plot of FNAF Vhs into the game?". Five Children Incident is a game based on the FNAF Vhs story with additions from the developer. The whole story is told through cutscenes, and the gameplay will not let you get bored after the first 5 minutes. The game affects the plot of only the first 4 parts, so there will be no confusion about who scraptrap and the like are, alas.


Вы наверняка играли в серию игр Five Nights At Freddy's а так же видели сериал FNAF Vhs. Но так же вы, наверное, задумывались при просмотре : "Что было бы , если бы кто-то воссоздал сюжет FNAF Vhs в игре ?". Five Children Incident - это игра , основанная на сюжете FNAF Vhs с добавками разработчика. Весь сюжет повествуется посредством катсцен, а геймплей не даст заскучать после первых 5 минут. Игра затрагивает сюжет только первых 4-х частей, поэтому никаких путаниц с тем кто такой scraptrap и тому подобные затронуто не будет, увы.

#horror #fnaf #fangame #survival #FiveChildrenIncident #fnaf

Mild Realistic Violence
Tobacco Reference

This guy scared me as fuck =\
2 act almost ready.

Freddy’s hat ?

Act 2 is almost ready. A couple of strokes and you can proceed to the remaining 2 acts. I'm not sure that I'll have time to finish the game before the end of the year, but I'll try. All the best

Well, I successfully passed my exams. This means that by mid-July I will continue developing the game. Don't miss <3

I think the development will have to be suspended for a short time, because I have exams starting (I'm only 16). As soon as there is time, I will immediately continue, and, hopefully, the game will not take long. Good luck to all !

Act 2 is almost ready, soon I will give it to my friends for beta testing =). At this rate, the game should be ready in about a month or 2, since the remaining 2 acts are not that difficult to implement. Some "Behind the scenes" for you :

I thought, and decided that the header needs to be changed, I think I'll do it this week (if I'm not too lazy, of course)

2 act Fredbear's jumpscare

Well, the game is 46% ready, Act 2 is at the finish line. Screenshots will be added as the game is ready.