Comments (3)
I see hope in this, a little more development and maybe it won't be something more than the rest. Even in the future make it a more gloomy game
FCNBF (Five Cute Nights Before Freddy's) will be expanded upon some time, because we've only been able to give you guys like, only two nights at the moment. so be on the lookout for teasers for the full game.
If you like the game, you should vote for it in the Sklarlight FNAF Jam in the Five Nights Community
Welcome to the grand opening of Freddy Fazcubs Pizza! er- well the week before the grand opening anyways... You are being hired as a night maintenance to do some polish work. (But you actually want to hack the official Fazbear Entertainment Twitter account so that this place never opens) Every night is going to be something different, but it won't be too hard to deal with the new challenge. (Especially if you play the Jam Build)
As stated before, these tasks include finding and picking up leftover papers around the pizzeria, and testing the night mode and security of the animatronics.
Press Z to open up phone click start/continue to hack on it, But don't let anyone catch you doing it!
(More is coming soon)
This game was developed for the Sklarlight FNAF Jam (Sorry for procrastinating)