Comments (29)
hey man i have some input on the fnaf 2 port ive noticed that the images and stuff used are really pixelated like way more than the fnaf 1 port for psp made by another dev so like did you just not have the assets straight from the game or is it that you wanted to save space
Quero fnaf
fnaf 2 for psp is bad , foxy sometimes in the night 2 atack and not appears with the light, its a bug
Its work for ps3 but why the graphic is very low? I know it says 'lite' but can't you make it better? Thanks!
Five Nights At Freddy's 2 Lite PSP
Five Nights At Freddy's 2 PSVITA
Five Nights At Freddy's 2 Lite PS3 Exported by Ofth
Five Nights At Freddy's 2 Lite PSP ISO Español 2.5v
Welcome back to the new and improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
In Five Nights at Freddy's 2, the old and aging animatronics are joined by a new cast of characters. They are kid-friendly, updated with the latest in facial recognition technology, tied into local criminal databases, and promise to put on a safe and entertaining show for kids and grown-ups alike!
What could go wrong?
As the new security guard working nights, your job is to monitor cameras and make sure nothing goes wrong after-hours. The previous guard has complained about the characters trying to get into the office (he has since been moved to day-shift). So to make your job easier, you've been provided with your very own empty Freddy Fazbear head, which should fool the animatronic characters into leaving you alone if they should accidentally enter your office.
As always, Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for death or dismemberment.
¡Bienvenido de nuevo al nuevo y mejorado Freddy Fazbear's Pizza!
En Five Nights at Freddy's 2, los animatrónicos viejos y envejecidos se unen a un nuevo elenco de personajes. ¡Son aptos para niños, están actualizados con lo último en tecnología de reconocimiento facial, están vinculados a bases de datos criminales locales y prometen ofrecer un espectáculo seguro y entretenido para niños y adultos por igual!
¿Qué puede salir mal?
Como el nuevo guardia de seguridad que trabaja de noche, su trabajo es monitorear las cámaras y asegurarse de que nada salga mal fuera del horario de atención. El guardia anterior se ha quejado de que los personajes intentan entrar en la oficina (desde entonces ha sido trasladado al turno de día). Entonces, para facilitar su trabajo, se le proporcionó su propia cabeza vacía de Freddy Fazbear, que debería engañar a los personajes animatrónicos para que lo dejen en paz si accidentalmente ingresan a su oficina.
Como siempre, Fazbear Entertainment no se hace responsable de la muerte o el desmembramiento.
Tipo del Teléfono en Español: YusStrap - YouTube