Comments (4)

Chunky Redbear :V
Seems decent, looking foward to it
are you mixlas fan? or tyke and sons fan? because it looks like it is
Wow this looks really cool! If you need stuff like promotional art for some ingame art, dm me at RedRainbow#5402 and we will discuss about it! Looking forwards to this!
Freddy has gone adventuring his whole life. but now freddy is old and can't do anything anymore. redbear a small time bear tries to find a job. fredbear decides that he is up to the task of protecting the city. and of course there is a problem striking the fazbear community, a new monster that no one knows about. but it has assumably shape shifted into different people all across animatronica. and it has happened alot for the past few weeks. some think that the shape shifting monsters are caused by another big problem. and if you, redbear can solve the problem, then you will get freddys old job. but some say that freddy has wondered off to some mysterious locations during the nights. nobody knows why but whatever it is its mysterious. and sometimes when you get reports from fredbear that he escapes from home you have to find out were he went. and the more places you find him, the more mysterious the whole thing gets.... #fnaf #fnaf