Five Nights At Peahooter DEMO (Troll)
Will be removed after the real Demo
how this started:
in 2022 i was thinking to make a remix from a @Highcell game but in 2023 i cancelled this when i started ODAMC and now in 2024 i gonna make again this masterpiece
After the plants' victory, a restaurant was created to celebrate and Crazy Dave decided to work in the Restaurant Because of money but now dave is gonna deal with the assasins clones
FNAF by scoot cawthon
Me:making ALL things of the game
@astreos_023 :for the colab And some code helps(And one of the essential pieces for me to continue doing this thing)
@Imperial-Master64 :for another colab
main inspirations:
@Highcell by creating some games What inspired me to make this game
@human-buddy Same reason as highcell
@Thepoppliothatdoesart For creating a wonderful fangame that inspired me a lot this (peashooter's night)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed