
Login for the first time.

"Do not reply."
Survive Night 1

"Last week's incident..."
Survive Night 2

"Best Friend"
Survive Night 3.

Lights on, please.
Die to The Agony.

Close Call.
Beat a Night while Dipsy is in your office.

Beat a Night while using Developer Mode

Keep Trying, Bud.
Beat the Secret Night using Developer Mode

Get used to it.
Die in Hardmode.

"The first night is never usually that bad in any of the games."
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Survive Night 4.

"Engineering accident."
Survive Night 5.

Konami Classic
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

"We KNOW what we are doing..."
Unlock every Custom Night Character.

"Yeah we've got the supplies..."
Unlock every Custom Night Modifier

"I won't be leaving this place dead."
Beat Bad Dream

"Nothing else happened here."
Beat Nightmare

Night 8.
Beat the Secret Night

Undisclosed Reasons
Achieve this trophy to view the description.

Achieve this trophy to view the description.