
Comments (8)

What do you think?

I have a feeling this was made in scratch because of the font and the buttons. the font looks like the "mystery" font and the buttons look like they were made in scratch. and if this is true how did convert it from .sb2 to .exe

Alright I gotta tell you something. The Nights should be in one game file not seperated files. Just to tell you it

hi my friend, big thx for the cool game. greetings from rosti

need to tell you that when i saw it i thought you were coping porkchops but cool game

Lol this game is shit

Welcome to a new experience called FNAY 5 [HELP WANTED] !

(the worst fnay game in the franchise)

No more to say. i think.


this game contains flashing lights , loud noises and a lot of jumpscares !


@ZakTheGangBoi . @Kyle_Games . @Gruddy . @Welvin . @Zrox-Studio

#fnaf #fnay #fnay5 #horror #hw #other #fangame

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
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