
Comments (3)

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there is no game


Super Beta platformer

Version: 0.0.1over 1 year ago
This is a beta platformer I made while learning my program. I thought I would post it here just to show some new stuff I guess. There are some serects (I think 4?) so if you download this and find them let me know!

This is my first attempt at making a game, I have started learning blender and Game making. This is a FNaF Fan game called "Five Nights At Brushy's Diner". The characters are a Banjo Playing, Singing Coyote named "Brushy" (like brush wolf)! The other character is a Jack rabbit named "Jack"! I will try and keep this updated and follow through with this project. Hope You like it. #fangame #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Mild Language

Devolopement has come to a halt on this project. I want to learn more things about game making before this project. But I have a new project named "PLUNGER SIMULATOR", this is me learning. I will make a post here when I start devolopement again!

I just uploaded the first peice of (media?) for the game. Its a platformer and its really simple but I am still learning the software.

Hey, I have been busy doing other things and other projects but here is some new designs and mock ups.

The game is going to be "3d", but I am working on a 2d "demo" or beta

Hi I Will be posting updates amd stuff here
