Comments (18)
Hi, I would like to ask you do you need help with this wonderful and amazing game?
podrias hacer que la resolucion del juego sea de 1200x700?
are you looking for a phone guy?
sera el mejor juegooooooooo
Welcome to Fredbear's Family Diner, where everyone can have fun without any Pr0Bl3ms, as a gift from our part in our last week, we will be giving 200 dollars for completing the week in night shift! Don't miss this opportunity, and remember, W3 4R3 4lw41s W4tch1ng Y0u...
Bienvenidos a Fredbear's Family Diner, Donde todos podran tener diversion sin ningun Pr0Bl3m4, como regalo de nuestra parte en nuestra ultima semana, estaremos dando 200 dolares por completar la semana de turno nocturno! No pierdas esta Oportunidad, y recuerda, S13mpr3 t3 3St4R3m0s v1g1l4nd0 #fnaf #fangame #pointnclick #survival
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed