
Comments (4)

What do you think?

i have to ask xD
Is this dead?


aw man is this cancelled?


Join Freddy and Co. once again for yet another night of hardcore debauchery! However, this time things are different...

Freddy F***boy's home has been completely shuffled! Rooms in the iconic pizzeria have been replaced by familiar and new ones from the other Five Nights at F***boy's games. Freddy and his friends must come together to find out what has caused this problem ranging across all 3 F***boy Eras AND MORE!

...and, well, shit on the cameras, but that part is obvious.


-Difficulty that puts the original games to shame!

-More than 8 party members!

-More bosses than any sane person would want!

-More animatronics than Ultimate Custom Night!

-TTS Voice Acting if we have the budget!

-One developer!

-Probably not cancellation!

-Probably cancellation!

-Multiple ways to end the game! (Besides not gitting gud)


Scott Cawthon for making Five Nights at Freddy's

Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw for creating Five Nights at F***boy's and a lot of the assets used in the game

RPG Maker VX Ace for some of the other assets

Natedagamer for helping with the game (kinda)

Gamejolt for hosting this nonsense


#fangame #fnaf #rpg #adventure #retro #other

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

Obligatory "Oh Hey This Thing's Not Dead!" Devlog


Today is the day that the idea of Five Nights at F***boy's X was conceived!

And there is no public demo...Yay?

More things are being overhauled behind the scenes.

This might be the right year for the game.

(Hopefully) Late 2021 (Maybe) (Possibly) (?)

Update: Mostly dead at the moment, but I work on it in small increments. Also I added a friend as a collaborator so maybe something will actually get done. Eh.


I have removed any deadline-related posts. I'm not even gonna bother with that.

I had most of the game done but I got a huge setback where my game got corrupted and my last backup was from months ago.

Back to work I guess...

Back again with some extra stuff.

Party members are finished, rooms have a lot of progress but are still in the works, and I'm gonna try and get a couple friends to test things. I'm also taking notes from peers. That's all for now!
