Comments (3)
yo this looks good!
Florid Forest
Welcome to Florid Forest! Are you ready to become the caretaker of your own plot of land, for you to make it a home and protect?

It's time to move to a Florid Forest, you'll take on the leisurely life of a forest protector! You'll be free to explore, customize and live in the forest, which will change according to how you interact with it!
Features Include:
Every Town is YOURS and it is Unique, different from the last!
Plant trees, pull weeds, go shopping, do whatever you wish!
Fully Customizable World!
Leisurely presentation for your relaxation needs.
Amazing Soundtrack by RedNGreen.
Save and Load your progress for extended play.
Decorate your house.
Plants and Trees Grow In Real Time.
The world keeps going, whether you're there or not!
Based on Animal Crossing for the N64 and Gamecube.
#AnimalCrossing #CozyGame #Cute