Comments (27)
I loved this game! Nice work!
Ah, I see my gameplay of Nights 1 & 2 is up there! :)
is it on scratch?
Nights 1&2 Completed: Five Nights At Koishi/Cursed Nights 2 Remake (Nights 1&2 complete) - YouTube
The Game have good level of hard, is not that easy but at least is not imposible in the 1 - 5 nighst, i complete the nighst very fast and whit deads but, my problem is about the Night 6 this si when is imposible to complete the night, i try so times but the mechanics of flandre are so dificult i cant go watch another character oh keep sleeping Tewi, the flandre on the chair come to fast and it move to fast when you are not watching her, it will be good of a method that we can put flandre again in the chair, and i got problems whit reimu, one of the help says "Hungry" i dont know what it means and i dont know what to do when she say that, because i am more giving attention to other animatronics like koishi, alice, remilia, flandre, and tewi, and the other problem i have is whit the background music, is good and that, but, it dont help to complete the night, is like, is too loud for a game that it need hear the noices of the animatronics, but that music dont help. it will be good if the music only play between 11 - 12, thats all what i see is a problem for the actual gameplay of the night 6
Five Nights At Koishi/Cursed Nights 2 Remake Demo
Five Nights At Koishi/Cursed Nights 2 Remake Demo Version 1.0.1
Five Nights At Koishi/Cursed Nights 2 Remake Full Game
Fnak2Remake Cursed Satori Update
Fnak2Remake Recoded Coming Soon!!
This New Version Comes With New Additions As Well As Old
Features Already In The Remake Version
Process Is Slow, But Moving Forward...
Stay Tune!!
-Improve Jumpscares
-New Curseds Threats
-Improve Visuals
-New Endings
-And More
Once A Unstable Scratch Game, Now Coming To A Full Remake

Survive 5 nights with an extra surprise

Customize to your liking, Or Take On The Maxed Mode

Cursed Flandre - Game creator
Scott Cawthon - The original creator of FNAF
Inspired from Five nights at Freddys and KKHTA
Kakunabe - Koishi and Satori Sprites
Most Character Sprites - Deflant Shrine Maiden
Paulor94 - Programer
There No Story To this, It Just A Fun Remake #fnaf #horror #fangame #fnaf
#touhou #koishi #Touhou #Satori #Flandre #Remilia #Scratch #Remake #fnaf #KoishiKomeiji #Satori #Satori #Komeiji #Flandre #Scarlet #FlandreScarlet #Remilia #RemiliaScarlet #Five #Nights #At #Freddys #FiveNights #FiveNightsAt #FiveNightsatFreddys #Fan #Game #FanGame #Fnaf #Fnak #Cursed #CursedNights #FnafFanGame #Zun #TouhouProject #Touhou #TouhouFanGame #Horror #CursedFlandre #Trending #Reimu #Hakurei #ReimuHakurei #Marisa #Kirisame #MarisaKirisame #Toy #ToySatori #ToyKoishi #Withered #WitheredKoishi #WitheredSatori