
Comments (18)

What do you think?

You can skip night in Fazbear's Return 4 with Shift and Space

Foxy is bugged on FR 1, i used the jammer on him 2 times and he still killed me. But really, i think all of the games on the collection are buged in some way.

Is there a download for the original FR games in separate exes?

are those games have a virus or something like that?

are you the develper of these games? if you are, can you updated them and make them seem more better please

(i mean make the remasterd games more challanging and make the scrolling faster, and add more to the game instead of keeping the same formula)


Fazbear's Return Remastered Collection

Version: 2.0.0over 2 years ago

Welcome to the reuploaded game page by @Scribby . This game is like a remaster of Fazbear's Return. This game was made back in 2015 and ended the whole saga in 2016 with SSAA 2. This remastered of these games contains new animatronic models, a map model, an office and a bunch of everything, but these things are only in FR 1-4. And then, starting from FR5 and up to SSAA 2, these subsequent games contain little things, and that's it. You can download this collection yourself and see it, I tell those who have never played it ;) Good luck to everyone, see you #fnaf

Intense Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Mature Humor

returned another reupload, with only one package, maybe it will be useful to you too lol


1k views, thank you all <3333

Now the classic Fazbear return collection in widescreen

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