Comments (9)
what engine you made the game
I really liked it,hopefully Chapter 2 is better.
Just finished the game since I'm hungry for OSC visual novels, and tbh I loved this! So simple yet beautifully written and cozy despite the on-edge situations and quick time events lol
I appreciated the smaller cast of characters too! I got to properly know the characters and attach myself to them more than the other VNs you made!
This is extremely underrated ^^
I've been browsing through whatever object show themed games I can find, so often I don't go in with any high expectations - however, you knocked this out of the park!
I managed to save everyone on my first playthrough but there were definitely moments where I was holding my breath, hoping I'd made the right decision - the fact you managed to keep that tight pull of tension throughout your writing is a real feat.
Excellent work.
how do i get it on
Freedom From Death Full Game (PC)
Chapters one through four of Freedom From Death, your save files should transfer over. (If you still have your old files from over a year ago)
Freedom From Death Full Game (MAC)
Chapters one through four of Freedom From Death, your save files should transfer over. (If you still have your old files from over a year ago)
All characters in this story have a chance.
Choose wisely...
Five objects wake up in an unknown field, and are forcefully thrown into a land of hidden danger. Along the way certain events occur...and life might be lost.
Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence