
Comments (1)

What do you think?

this looks better than gameboy'd, garfield gameboy'd was alright but this looks extremely better

The multiverse is a very big place how many jon and garfield will exist, help jon to survive the attacks of the Garfield Horoscopes but you will be able to defeat them all

El multiverso es un lugar muy grande, cuántos jon y garfield existirán, ayuda a jon a sobrevivir a los ataques de los horóscopos de Garfield, pero podrás derrotarlos a todos.

#fangame #platformer #retro #survival #strategy #rpg #puzzle #shooter #action #pointnclick #arcade #horror

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed


Coming soon

The boss elements are already created (the animations between fights are not), all that remains is to program it, it may not take long but I don't promise anything.


The level before the boss is completely finished now I only have to do some things at the beginning and fight the boss to upload the first demo

The Demo and the things that have happened