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You play the role of a telekinetic Supersolider, trying to survive and fend off waves of an ever increasing number of zombies in a non descript location (i couldn't finish the tile-set in time).

Use your telekinetic capabilities to literally crush your enemies and keep your distance (guns also work). Once you have your cursor over your target enemy, hold RMB: they will violently shake, and then implode into a bloody mess, launching bone and bodily shrapnel at nearby enemies!

Furthermore, you can you use your telekinesis to launch guns into your direction, not only allowing you to grab any gun you can see, but allowing the force of which the gun is launched to harm and kill enemies! 

WASD - Movement

LMB - Fire your current gun

RMB - Telekinesis (While hovering an object)

Use Mouse cursor to look around

The leaderboard system (which was NOT tested) is powered by LootLocker.

This game was made in order to participate in the 23rd ScoreJam on (Gunjam! by RealPersonMaybe (

All Sprites and Programming done by me

Any and all feedback would be appreciated

- Tyler Lynch

#action #arcade #shooter #survival

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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