
Comments (13)

What do you think?

if its canceled... u have still worked on it? sorry i know it might be a dumb question

where hn86 demo u havez new projectz/????/!!!1!?1/1//

me rn still waiting for more then 4 months to the game being downloadable

this looks like a map in alpha 2 when u type neighbor3 and puts u next to the big test house and teasers that are broken(hope the command is right bc i played HNA2 in a long time i dont remeber some of the command used in alpha 2)

Please release it im so exited to do it (sorry if i spelled something wrong)

In the summer of 1986 several children around Raven Brooks seem to vanish out of thin air, because of these missing persons cases many local children lived in a state of fear and panic, one of those kids was Nicky Roth, Nicky had a rough childhood, when he was 6 he moved to Raven Brooks, on the day his parents moved in to the neighborhood, his dog Spark ran out into oncoming traffic, despite the loss the Roth residence was able to push it under the rug and enjoy their new surroundings, his father Jay gets a job at the local news station and his mother Luanne becomes a teacher at the Raven Brooks University too. But Nicky struggles to find his place in the world, where others find fear in things Nicky finds peace. Eventually he finds a like-minded individual, Aaron Peterson. Nicky often spent time at the Peterson's house. He loved the sense of mystery ever room had in it, but their adventures would all stop on fateful afternoon, Mr. Peterson was working on his car in the basement when a fire started, the house was completely destroyed with only Mr. Peterson making it out of the fire. Around this time Mr. Peterson isolates himself from the outside world. Without Aaron, Nicky would spend his time alone where him and Aaron used to hang out together, but Nicky soon found purpose, he was going to find out why children began disappearing. He developed a theory, the kidnapper was none other than Mr. Peterson. Mr. Peterson had rebuilt the house, costing a fortune doing so, he had only the most trusted individuals from his amusement park build it, but just when Nicky was going to confront Mr. Peterson his father got a promotion and they had to move to the big city. Years later Nicky has returned to Raven Brooks to finally blow out the candle lit so many years ago, welcome to the world.

The AI is experimental, he may occasionally take items he is not supposed, repeat tasks, and play the wrong animation during the wrong task

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

The game is being turned into

Limbo. (Trailer soon)

Hello Neighbor 86 Teaser Trailer

After much consideration... I'm bringing the game back
Discord for Hello Neighbor 86, Ill also give beta tests out if you become a beta tester