
Comments (35)

What do you think?

This fangame looks incredible! I like how you even used the artstyle and some of the sounds from the Prototype and the Pre-Alpha :D

sick game bluesleek

Hey is it pre alpha?

in the future if you decide not to work on this still and i learn ue4 if i wanted to could i continue this project for you? (also remember you gave me a playtest build of this? i do not remember if i still have it though)

could you add the old versions of this game on the page? i remember they were there before

A Major thanks to @OwenCampos for your template!

@Matthew_Hernandez for helping me improve and polish mechanics

And @Righty_Games for letting me use your models, props to you!


Hello Neighbor: A Living Hell is my own unique twist on Hello Neighbor. This game takes place in both the Alpha 2, and Pre alpha house. Your main goal is to see what your neighbor is hiding in his basement (obviously)

This game is still in a work in progress, I will post updates, and more.

#fangame #horror #other #strategy

Mild Language

So, y'know how I said beta 1.4 was the last version?

I lied.

So, I've recently been thinking about completely remaking phase 2's map, due to how bad the landscape is.

What do you think, should I do it?

  5 votes Voting finished

Basement moment

So, this has been something I've been thinking about for a while, but I'm not too sure that others would agree...

Should I add a Day/Night cycle to phase 1?

  14 votes Voting finished

The Neighbor can jump through windows now..

The Neighbor can jump through windows (So can the player)
Yet another devlog. Discord:

The Neighbor can now move his neck.

Decided to improve the door system a little bit.

Decided to improve the door system a little bit... (HNALH Devlog)
The Door system now uses "Line Trace" instead of trigger boxes. Discord server:

I need your opinion.

Which cupboard should I use for the final game?

  13 votes Voting finished

The camera now faces toward the board, whenever you try to break one off.

Small progress report