
Comments (15)

What do you think?

A good Game

for somthing early its good


Hello Neighbor - A strange house this is an old fan game with a long history of creation, unfortunately it was cancelled.

This page was made separately from the devlog page. Therefore, the only version downloaded here is Alpha 0.0.1

Devlogs page.

I suggest you look at my new fan game.

#fangame #survival #adventure


I'm have to confess! I'll leave after the release of Beta 0.0.3!!!

I'm officially quitting the project! I want to start studying well. And also I have no motivation to make a game because of some bugs and just. Good luck to all other igrodelam on Hello Neighbor! (Maybe I'll be back soon)

The plot of the game has completely changed. If not for the loss of version Alpha 0.0.2, then that plot would have remained. I won't talk about the new plot.

What I did not want to happen happened ... The main card was removed. Now the cut scenes that were there are now useless ... I'll think about it ... I hope ... Should I make a new one ....

*cry cry*

I will do the basement. This will be a custom basement. I have an assumption that the basement will be brought to an ideal state in Beta 0.1.0. It will not be soon, because right now Alpha 0.0.1. (WARNING DEVELOPMENT OF ALPHA 0.0.2 IS GOING VERY WELL)