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Undertale by - Toby Fox
Humantale by - Gamer Max
My Team:
A€R0FF - Musician and voice actor
Gamer Max - Main Developer
Vladi4ck - concept
Shoti - Voice actor and cocept artist
БРАТАН - Battle Developer

It's Undertale fangame :3

Story - about the main character her name is Katie she is 13 years old she loves to have dreams that, let's say, make a new reality, or rather the 4th dimension, you know, there is heaven, there is hell, there is purgatory and this is the 4th dimension, well, she is a fan of undertale and not only. Now the story itself She performs a certain ceremony in her room and falls asleep (I immediately say she falls asleep for exactly 7 days), well, she wakes up in her house, but the house is a little different than the house in her reality, well, the reality is also different and she meets characters from undertale in the form of people because there are no monsters in the 4th dimension, and each monster has its own new character and behavior. #undertale #fangame


Okay, I don't foget Humantale, I freezing developens, but i now drawing map and writing dialogues :)

Soon i show you the main character

Game Progress:
Map - 25%
Characters - 2%
Battles - 0%
Dialogues - 2%

Story - 100%

Game will be updated soon :3
