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#horror #survival #shooter Something terrible has happened... You will need to survive in a facility filled with enemies and hostile creatures that are the result of the experiments ongoing in the facility, scavenge for items, attempt to repair the systems and SURVIVE.

You can play as 3 roles each with their own perks and items.

Researcher: You spawn in the research sector (the safest sector) you get access codes to a door in the sector connecting research and security containing extremely good stuff

Special Perk: You have a map, you have to collect parts of the map to reveal the full map, the map is a special item which cannot be dropped or picked up and doesnt appear in the inventory.

Engineer: You spawn with a wrench and a crowbar which you can pry open most doors with and you can repair various things you spawn in the engineering sector (moderately dangerous sector)

Special Perk: Quick repair, repair things faster than other roles.

Security: you spawn with a M1911 with 4 bullets in the security sector (most dangerous sector) you can find diffrent types of ammo in the security sector

Special Perk: Battle Hardened, take less damage from enemies and creatures.

The creatures here can be killed by regular ammunition but only some of them the rest have to be killed via armor piercing rounds.

They can be found in armories in the security sector but they require an ARMORY ACCESS CODE.

Doors that require access codes or IDs cannot be pryed open with a crowbar only doors that are stuck or regular doors that are locked.

Every sector will have enemies but less depending on how safe it is, the safety of the sector will be shown on a screen when you are crossing from one sector to another.

You can find grenades and heavier weapons in the Advanced and Heavy Weapons Armories which require a key an ID and a code

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Strong Language
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