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Seed Meed's Puzzle Box Demo (Game Design Semester 2) (5/24/23)
This is a game I submitted for my Highschool Game Design class. It is based on the comic/Youtube series I created called Code Dave. Beat all of the levels in this Puzzle Platformer!
Rayorr Tech Demo (Game Design Semester 1) (12/20/22)
A school project I made for my Game Design class in Highschool. Beat all 3 levels and save a giant floating bird head's brother named Rayorr!
Sphere Catcher Ultimate Prototype Build 01
First public build of the game I am working on in my Game Design 2 class. It is going to be a game about collecting spheres in dream like worlds while trying to run from the monsters.
Sphere Catcher Ultimate Prototype Build 02
The second prototype build for the Game Design 2 project. I added a title screen, more hills, a holiday tree, and a digital warrior character. 4:3 Aspect Ratio got screwed up but I will fix it later.
Welcome to the Infinity Zone Archives. Where tech demos, school projects, and other various games go to if I am not sure if they need their own page yet.
Hopefully you find some enjoyment in these games.