
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Weird name. Could just put "Underswap?" or, more preferably, an original title separate from Underswap

Seems interesting

It: Underswap? is InTheDark's original take on Underswap!

Get ready for a remade Underground, with new areas, characters and LOOOOORE!!

New mechanics!

  • Overworld dodging system!

  • New weapons with unique ways to attack with them!

  • Make friends and foes, and all alike!

Can Chara escape the Underground and undo the seal that was keeping all of the monsters Underground? Read the comic to find out!


#undertale #rpg #fangame #adventure #puzzle #bullethell #bullet_hell #underswap #itunderswap


Here's an old version of one of the first rooms of CragSpire Wastes (Name is a WIP) that's currently being reworked!

The gore

*Causally swaps your battle menu.

Room 2 sneak peek!

Sneak peak of room design and stuff (no correct aspect ratio for you lol)