Comments (10)
Está muy bien, es muy original la idea de cerrar los ojos para evitar a los enemigos y me gusta la historia. Pero la imagen del menú principal está un poco rara, quizás baste con el nombre del juego como en la imagen del tope de la página.
It's a really cute game.
It looks like its going to be a fun game, but may I suggest that you guys stop the monsters from moving when interacting with stuff? Its super annoying to read something without closing your eyes and the sense of urgency doesn't help either.
EDIT: NEVERMIND! I just found out you can just kill those damn things :P
Anyway, best of luck with the game
I really like the art style of the game. the closed eye mechanic is really neat to. the only "problem" i have with the game is how bright it is. i'm not sure if horror is what you're going for, but if it is i never felt it.
the game's pretty good, along with that one part where i died from seemingly nothing and had to search around the previous room for clues. ony problem is, uh...
"the puzzles might also be rather cryptic, but you can do it."
i know the puzzles are supposed to be like that (probably), but i can't get past the room in the basement with 3 holes, with 2 being closed and 1 being open. i interacted with everything down there, even going as far as to fall down the open hole, and searrched around outside of that room, but found nothing.
so, there's that. and would you mind giving me a tip or something of the sorts?
but other than that, the game's pretty good.
Name Your Price
Quickly. Close your eyes.
As what you can't see
can't hurt you... -
What a strange talent Kit is cursed with.
Whenever her clear, blue eyes are closed,
time around her simply stops.
When she and her best friend seek shelter in an old, lost Shrine,
this mystifying talent might turn out to be a blessing... or lead to demise.
"Kemononoke" is an experimental title I am working on to get more used to the RMMV engine / tool.
It features all original pixel art style and a very specific game mechanic... Kit has to close her eyes!
The game is still a work in progress - but it is supposed to be a spooks- ( or maybe even horror-) game. You decide. ^^
Unlike my previous game title, this one contains no boobie fanservice (sry goys - but that doesn't mean we're not working on a " G&D 2 "... ; p )
This is pure cute kemono-scares and stuff =w= some simple puzzles. You get the idea.
There are still some relevant cut-scenes and encounters missing, but you can still get to the "end of the demo".
Walk ( arrow keys )
Run ( mouse click )
Close Eyes ( w - key )
Action ( enter - key )
Stomp Enemy ( enter - key while eyes closed )
Let me know what you think. ~
Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language