When a creature’s body dies, it floats into a matter of perpetual nothingness. Though in a rare case, dying before your time will result in you entering the kosmos and drift until you find a mysterious planet. A place to wait while your soul slowly makes its way back to earth, for most. Every creature is allowed to enter this sacred land except a creature of only one in population. This creature is named the Krix, and is an extremely dangerous and powerful organism. In 99E, the final Krix was successfully located and killed. Though a krix is an eternal being. So the question begs what happens to the Krix when it dies before its time?
KOSRAIL is an extremely simple game consiting of attacking with the S key, and if you prefer to hear the little guys out, talking to the enemy with the C key. Explore the five areas featured in the game in this #action #platformer #puzzle #adventure game. KOSRAIL is a game that is the perfect difficulty, bosses are challenging, but not ridiculously difficult.