
Comments (28)

What do you think?

make the game on game maker studio or unity, don't do it on CYK

bruh susie if u can do this kind of stuff why not do it in the dark world smh

This mod is pretty solid, my only complaint is when you die, you have to sit through the long intro again, and from what i've seen there's no way to skip it


Kris vs Susie | Deltarune: Genocide AU

Version: 1.0.2over 5 years ago
If you didn't download this Mod before, download the one with *CYF* at the end then download the *MOD* one below it which is the newest version. ||||| After that replace existing Chris vs Susie *MOD* (not *CYF*) in the Mods folder inside the CYF file.

* I've been waiting for you to arive.

* Someone who can free me.

* Let us turn this place into a ghost town and move to the next.


Script for Susie lines by - Audiospawn's Sudzy Bubbles#4201 [ Discord ]


#fangame #undertale #deltarune #deltarunegenocide #susie #kris #chris #chara

Cartoon Violence
Mild Language

Patch 1.0.2:
Bug Fixed:
- Fixed a bug that caused an error during the Side Chalk attack for We and I phases.

Patch 1.0.2:
Pattern Changes:
- Locker attacks for We and I phases now have fully solid Boxes, which means they will not appear transparent, as they used to.

Patch 1.0.1:

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused the Moving Box attack to use the Arena Size of a previous attack or base Arena Size.

Patch 1.0.1:

Pattern Changes:
- Side Chalk attacks for We and I Phases now have a visual and sound notification before the projectile falls while also showing the X position of the object so the player can dodge it more easily.