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The world changed on the 9th of july 2024. something bring every character from all media to the universe, Earth would turn into an hell hole people would say no one was safe not even the military but the remains of human life would hide and survive. One of those poeple would be an man called CANNON MAN he's called that cause he would be seen weilding an oridinary cannon that he probally took from an old ship but even though his body strong full of muscle, he is not strong enough inside he had an troubled life truama from his past keeps on coming back haunting him even in his dreams he one day diceded to conquer his demons and fight them can he save himself from his own hell hole or fall into darkness where something terrifying is waiting for him #shooter #horror

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Strong Language
Comical Shenanigans

new and last update for the demo fix the blurry image for the B_M_D sprite and also added the glowing emissive to the eyes and blood of the B_M_D i'm finished with my break from the game so i'm finally coming back to continue and finish the game YYppeee

i'll be taking an break from making this game for an bit i'll come back in either november or december


mange to get most of the widgets working that is the main menu and the other stuff i'm wasn't able to fix all the widgets that is the options you can still use the controller on it but to know where you're on look for the blue outline on an button

DISCLAIMER for some reason the controller for the ui so the main menu and the other stuff does not work most of the time so you'll have to use your mouse for now i'm figuring out how to fix it

the demo is finally release their was delays on it cause of issues in the Unreal engine but it's finally released now so yay hopefully i'll be able to released it on steam