
Comments (4)

What do you think?

I would recommend setting up the environment a bit more as it is not much just to impress on first impressions. But I wish you luck, keep it low poly theme will be a good idea.

The game's looking awesome, nice start. I'd just mess with the walking mechanics a bit so that it felt a little more precise. But it's running smooth and comfortable to play. Also, about the sound design, I could really help you. I've already got some ideas in mind. I'd love to talk with you about those more specific topics, if possible.

A simple Low Poly game I try to work on in my free time, i'm aiming for a First Person Role Playing game, with some Survival and maybe some puzzle elements.
Development probably won't go very fast, since i'm still a student.
I try to make all the 3D Low Poly assets myself, so that takes some time too.
I want quality over quantity, so i would LOVE to get some feedback.
#LPA #RPG #Survival #FPRPG #LowPoly

Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language

Busy working on an attack system for this guy

Say hi to Gordon, the test NPC.
(He doesn't look too good, does he?)

That looks much better already

The new update works, on both Mac and Windows, you might have to reinstall the game.

I added a new version of the game, not much changed, but there should also be a version for Mac now. If it works