Comments (12)
I was following this, not realizing it was pretty much an already complete game.
So naturally I checked this thing out on Dangeroso mode and here are some remarks I have so far :
Phantom Foxy's sprite is the regular one. Sure it starts blinking all ghost-like after interacting with him but still, why not take the already existing sprite found in FNaFb3?
Springtrap's skills, despite his ATK being the same as G. Freddy's, do so little damage in comparison to the latter's. Like Stunning Swing (and any other status move) and Connection both do less damage than Golden Toss.
The Gamma shop should offer Large Pizza's and Soda's. I have no idea why this isn't the case by default;
Phantom Bonnie, while I'm sure being fine on regular and hard mode, is a BS fight on Dangeroso. Not because he is particularly difficult but because the only way to deal any significant damage to him is by getting lucky with Backup Bash. That and his Spread Bomb OHKO's your party.
In the description for every Coil's, you misspell 'use' as 'usse';
Many stat increasing skills are worded in such a way that it makes a player believe that Fortification, Agression etc...are AoE buffs while they are non-selectable single member use only. I recommend you reword all stat-buffing skills to reflect this.
Okay, I don't know if the creator wants to continue with the game, I'll still give an opinion in general, taking into account the two playable acts.
In the two hours of play (that I dedicated to the game) act 1 is fairly good, but it needs balance changes as an example: mostly we are going to have springtrap and golden freddy as a duo, these two characters have some curious things
springtrap: springtrap this game was tremendously nerfed, he lost his level 40 and his double natural turn, which is characteristic of him, the only thing he retains is that he still has his large number of abilities, apart from the fact that he loses constant attack power unlike golden freddy
talking about the fredbear with conjunctivitis
golden freddy: here he was tremendously buffed, he can count on the hydra dildo from the beginning, which is very useful throughout the game especially for the part of phatom bonnie, he has all his classic abilities plus the buffing and summons that I never used haha
In general, act 1 is mostly like a normal fnafb as far as it goes, but when it gets to the part of the end and phatom bonnie...god...phatom bonnie is the most broken shit I've ever seen, he has abilities from buffo, his rabbit jump costs nothing, the fact of not being able to equip him with equipment in act 1 does not stop how powerful he is, triple turn, buffing capabilities, rabbit jump etc, makes the last camera not even a challenge , only a walk which to overcome and reach act 2 in the next comment I will comment on how act 2 is
First of all, this is really a great game ,because it continues the story from Puppet Mans Excellent Expedition. Now to the main question: How to get the time shard A and B and why when i collect all the tapes in the '20 the phrase "Somebody entered the fuckboy pizzeria" repeats to infinity?? Please help so i can finish this game. ty
Cool concept
I was following this, not realizing it was pretty much an already complete game.
So naturally I checked this thing out on Dangeroso mode and here are some remarks I have so far :
Phantom Foxy's sprite is the regular one. Sure it starts blinking all ghost-like after interacting with him but still, why not take the already existing sprite found in FNaFb3?
Springtrap's skills, despite his ATK being the same as G. Freddy's, do so little damage in comparison to the latter's. Like Stunning Swing (and any other status move) and Connection both do less damage than Golden Toss.
The Gamma shop should offer Large Pizza's and Soda's. I have no idea why this isn't the case by default. Similarly the Omega Shop sells neither Large nor XL Soda's and Pizza's.
Golden Freddy is too indistinct from Springtrap. Aside from his "Summons" gimmick and having Golden Toss/Stinger/March, all of his skills are shared by his colleague.
Springtrap's Debauchery Quest (FNAFB)
WARNING:this is a fan made timeline that branges of if you dont win vs bb in the fangame:''Puppet Man's Excellent Expedition''
Got that?Good
The Puppet Men have lost the battel to get back the nerrative from the engagement child,and now ar lockd up.
Meanwhile,springtrap start's his new quest,to find terminal debauchery
please enlist