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Warning: Use Leather Engine V0.4.2 for play this Fancharts



Friday Night Funkin' Mod on Fancharts Randoms

The mod basically consists of my Fancharts that I wanted to dedicate to some of my favorite Fansongs.

--> All the content used in the fancharts are not mine <--

If you want to comment on anything, it doesn't matter, in the end everyone will ignore these Fancharts :I

If you have problems with the mod or if you just want to chat with me, talk to me on my discord:

LightX Ignition#3980




Omniverse by Simpie

Afterlife by Simpie

Invulnerable by Simpie

Anaglyph by Simpie

Anaglyph (V2) by Simpie

Celestial Capabilities by Simpie

Celestial Capabilities (V2)/Heavenly Abilities (V2) by Simpie

Beryl Impair by Simpie

Cosmic Truth by AngryRacc

(WIP Chart) ALTER EGO (VIP) by LordVoiid, NobodyKnows & ImPaper



->Red sky background (BG) by MasterTeacher, Link of your Account:

2°InvulnerableWorld BG:

->Mountains Background (BG) by John Alberton, Link of your Art:

->Boxing Ring by @Ronezkj15 & @SpurkFNF Mod:

3°NightSky BG:

->Shaggy Hill BG elements by @srperez (Official Shaggy Dev)

->Yellow Shaggy BG by @sebastianelijah (YT User), (Shaggyverse Modder), V5 Mod in DEMO:

Info: The floor that the Shaggy's are standing on, is not the same floor as the Yellow Shaggy BG, it's because I wanted to make my own version, if it turned out well :J

3°Jupiter BG:

->Jupiter BG by @mdUTMV (YT user), user discord: md#2741

4° Night Red Sky & Night Red Hill BG's:

All the elements used, come from the BGs God Eater and Shaggy Hill created by @srperez

5° NightCobaltHill BG:

All the elements used, come from the BGs God Eater and Shaggy Hill created by @srperez Castle Walls from FNF': VS Shaggy Demigod Duel Mod by @jacoborwhatev1 (YT user)

6° Space Clear BG:

->Space Art by @HarxMLeth (Twitter user):

->Ground from the Hotline 024 Mod by @Saruky (YT user)

7° AEBG & AEBGred:

->Long Ring by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

->Rocky Ground by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

->Wastelands by Milosz Wojtasik (ArtStation user)

8° Rev Stadium BG:

-> Stadium Elements by @oddestial (YT user)


-Voiid Shaggy Sprite (V1 & V2) by @Winisrecs (YT user)

-Voiid BF Sprite by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

-Voiid Matt Sprite by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

-Cyan Shaggy Sprite (V1 & V2) by @ScratchRZL (YT user)

-Red Shaggy Sprite by @SrPerez

-RedPShaggy by @ScratchRZL (YT user)

-BF Zero Indie by @zeroanimation2482 (YT user)

-Cobalt Shaggy by @AngryRaccTheG (YT user)

-Yellow Shaggy by @DanielGamer2467 (YT user)

-Yellow Matt by @AngryRaccTheG (YT user)

-Mag BF by @AngryRaccTheG (YT user)

-Rev Matt (Wiik 2) from "VS Matt (REV-MIXED)" by @outragiouspasta (YT user)

-Rev BF from "VS Matt (REV-MIXED)" by @outragiouspasta (YT user)


-Voiid Shaggy Icon (V1) by @Winisrecs (YT user)

-Voiid Shaggy Icon (V2) by @Thenms4 (Twitter user)

-Voiid BF Icon (Old & New) by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

-Voiid Matt Icon by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

-Cyan Shaggy Icon (V1 & V2) by Jupiter BG by @mdUTMV (YT user), user discord: md#2741

-Redrawn Red Shaggy Icon by @Thenms4 (Twitter user)

-RedPShaggy Icons by @ScratchRZL, i think so :(

-Redrawn BF Leather Icon by @Leather128

-CobaltShaggy Icon were taken from @TheOnlySilver17 Fancharts Collection

-Yellow Duo Icons were taken from@RhysRJJ Fancharts Collection

-Mag BF Icon was taken from@RhysRJJ Fancharts Collection

-MattGodAngry Icon was taken V.S Matt Wiik 4 Wiimastered by GenericGMD (GameBanana User)

--Used Mod's--

1° FNF': Vs Shaggy -->

2° FNF': Voiid Chronicles -->

3° FNF': Shaggyverse -->

4° FNF': Vs Shaggy x Matt -->

5° FNF': Hotline 024 (The Medley Uptade) -->

6° FNF': Silver Collection V3 Demo -->

7° FNF': RhysRJJ's Fanchart Collection V3! -->


1° RTX Style by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)

2° Thumbnail's Wawa Style by @lordvoiidofficial (YT user)


Modchart: Refenger's Leather Engine Modchart Utilities by @refenger (YT user)


Leather Engine by @Leather128 (YT user)

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