Comments (6)
Very cool and original concept. some levels are a bit frustrating, but with the arts they create a real and a bit darky atmosphere very pleasant to go through.
Good game.
This is very interesting, the art style is very beautiful and unique :D I feel like I'm playing in a fairytale book.
Lilly Lightbulb (leap of Faith)

a game i made for the 2018 gmtk game jam that i forgot to post here. It's a platformer where you cant see anything unless you die or win.
this game is stupid and stupidly difficult. Level 3 you need to wall jump off the cliff you're standing on and then from there wall jump up the other side. Wall jumping makes you move faster than running so you'll cross the gap easier if you wall jump.
This is a platformer game, except you can't see a thing... unless you die or win the level.
It's very short and difficult and buggy, sorry about that.
story: Lily and Luke Lightbulb are two lightbulbs in love. They need each other in order to light up their world.

Help Lily find Luke as you stumble through the dark, learn from your mistakes, and apply memorization and muscle memory to solve your problems.
F to throw rocks
left and right to move
space to jump
you can wall jump (wall jumping gives you a faster horizontal speed which you'll need to clear level 3)
you cannot see unless you die made for the GMTK 2018 jam.

game by Miles (Maloosh) Brown
Dk rap midi
Most sounds
Or made by me in BFXR
Dial up sound slowed down
Jurrasic park melodica cover
Falling sound
art by me
programmed by me
playtested by my brother and me
made with Game Maker Studio
art made with photoshop
audio edited with audacity

#platformer #cute #love #puzzle #darkness #light #wholesome #art #gamejam #gmtk #pleaseplaymygames