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My Little OC RPG III: Rising of Bloodmoon [Beta]
After evil is been defeat by Kindheart absorb the dark power. But other that she use dark power she obtained to save everypony safely. After castle got disappear and is send her faraway from home, 3 hours later after Kindheart got unconscious and lot of wound too long, suddenly some strange mare pony see her still unconscious and lot of wound on her, but that strange mare it nice or evil for bring her on house. And after 2 weeks pass Kindheart got dream something on Moon it suddenly turn red. She walk around on moon to investigate who start this happen and she will can stop this happen.
Basic Key
Z - Interact, Continue and Accept Choice
X - Back, Open Menu and Cancel Choice
Shift - Run [Only certain map can Run]
Arrow Key - Move
Special and Shortcut Key [This is got add from one of the kind YEP plugin]
A - Shortcut open Formation/Party
C - Disable/Enable Encounter enemy [Doesn't work inside dungeon]
I - Open Cure Frozen Menu
O [Not Zero] - Open Cure Petrify Menu
/ [Slash] - Teleport back to Kindheart House with 5 min cooldown [Work only Corrupted diff and doesn't work inside dungeon]
5 Formations to fight enemy
New Bad states from enemy attack
New Resist bad state Ring
Extra Ring Slot
New password chest and door
New learn skill zone room for main character
New bad state resistance to somepony
New Passive Skill effect
New Sharing Passive Aura effect concept from Warframe idea like from Aura mod
Crafting system
All 14 OC ponies playable [There 15 but this is in Full release]
More new OC ponies skill on different OC character
2 main character battle theme music control
Improved option setting
Improved TP gauge and with no longer reset or random amount
Testing your surviving skill with certain hardest difficulty
All some certain command got concept from Final Fantasy to old console game
Make a great build with stats upgrade against the odd
System: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Story: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
World Map 1: 100%
World Map 2: 0% [Full release]
Cure Item: 100%
Player Skill: 100%
Enemy Skill: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Secret Place: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Hidden Path: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Full Map: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Password Chest and Door: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Enemy Crafting Item Drop: 50% [51-100% is in Full release]
Crafting System: 100%
Skill Learn Zone: 100%
---------------Total plugin used in game---------------
Yanfly - total 40 plugins used
Victor Engine - total 3 plugins used
SumRndmDde - total 1 plugin used
Hime - total 1 plugin used
Galv - total 1 plugin used
Mr.Trivel - total 1 plugin used
All total plugin has used is 47 plugins
This game has link storyline similar like other RPG game, if you playing further and end the game then continue play to the next part [Some part required True ending] but also enemy will keep more tougher about their defense, also this game is made from one youtuber is me and one of my helper is my sis.
If you want check our channel click here -------> Bloodyplant
Also we have Discord Server you can come to check my work real time : https://discord.gg/GYutVsX
---------------Game Info---------------
This game I create and made for all age to kid and adult, even I not good with kid but I want to made game some kid never play, also, I will avoid blood and any violent possible for kid.
However as kid must play Normal diff only, OFC, as age like this it too impossible to beat hardest diff I made, since those diff I made is for adult whoever want to challenge these diff, plus to adult play any diff as you want I wouldn't mind.
---------------Chooseable Difficulty---------------
Normal - Basic/Balance diff every stats has no change, allow to choose Puzzle diff, has self revive after win or run away from battle.
Hard - Fairly/Challenge diff stats Health, Attack, Magic Attack, Defense and Magic Defense reduced by 30% [From base 100% to 70%] Puzzle diff locked Normal diff, has self revive after win or run away from battle.
Insane - Deadly diff stats Health, Attack and Magic reduced by 30% [100% to 70%] Defense and Magic Defense reduced 50% [100% to 50%] Speed reduced 15%, [100% to 85%] has self revive after win or run away from battle.
Warning has Restrictions - No save crystal at near boss door.
Chaos - Extreme/Survival diff stats Health, Attack, Magic Attack, Defense and Magic Defense reduced by 30% [100% to 70%] Speed reduced 20% [100% to 80%] MP reduced by 10%, [100% to 90%] all full recover and Revive when win boss fight and Enemy will not appear when you win boss fight on Tower.
Warning has Restrictions - No save crystal at near boss door, no self revive after win or run away from battle, rest only to revive down party, no revived item and skill, healing item price is double.
Corrupted - Face your Nightmare diff stats Health reduced by 50% [100% to 50%] MP reduced by 85% [100% to 15%] Attack, Magic Attack, Defense, Magic Defense and Speed add more by 15% [100% to 115%] Puzzle diff locked Extreme and all full recover and Revive when win boss fight.
Warning has Restrictions - No save crystal at near boss door, no self revive after win or run away from battle, rest only to revive down party, no revived item and skill, healing item price is double, enemy still appear after win boss fight on Tower, no fast travel portal in every safe zone but only last safe zone not affected, Demonplant Channeling Magic cannot be used to buff or enchant attack on herself.
My Little Pony, is related characters and places are owned by Hasbro. No copyright infringement is intended. Also it in an Alternative Universe and [Not] involving Original Characters.
Mild Language