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Jason A. Madison, the firstborn son of the greatest genius in all of the world. His father brought him into the world in a quest for knowledge, but when he couldn't attain it, he left Jason to fend for himself. To everyone around him, his origins meant everything, but to him, it meant nothing. One day, he discovered something spectacular, something that would give him what his father wanted. True knowledge.

Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans

Soo. No progress, but hopefully I can set up some scenary, and maybe texture that monster I was working on yesterday. Until then.

Ok, so I wont be getting this next model up today, but I have a good reason. I want this character to be made of ice, and I don't exactly know how to do that. So I'll have to get some advice and watch some tutorials in order to figure this out. Until then

It's done. Kinda. The most important thing right now is making It's most basic form. Once I can rig it, I'll then start thinking about more complex textures. 3 more to go.

After the third, updates will be less frequent. Until then.

Pretty big setback, I have to redo the model because it won't let me texture it. It'll still be done by today.

So, fun little thing I noticed, Making hands in blender is SIGNIFICANTLY better than drawing them. This next model should be done within the next few hours. Until then.

(Also, I'm definitely keeping the logo)

I'm back.

So just as a note to nobody but myself, I am working on MM right now, but am having trouble converting files to what they need to be. Again I AM working. I'm just technologically illiterate

Before now I was hoping to create a 3d horror game with multiple characters and mechanics, but that's too hard. So now I'm just doing it pixelated. Not only that but I couldn't find a way to start the game. I've broken promises, but this time. I might not