
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Hello, it's me Samnaf, well in another xd account, what happens is that the account to which gamejolt is linked was hacked, therefore I lost access to the page, like the hard drive of the previous pc, so I lost most of the files, I think the project will be paused for a while, or well until what I can do, possibly in this account I will upload a "Remake" but it will be in a very distant future, thanks to everything for your support

I love

: 9

Increible juego ^-^

This game looks like it has so much potential! I hope this game grows big and awesome! Keep up the good work!

is this game still alive?

todo anda bien?



Eres un Joven con muchas deudas que apenas tiene un apartamento que en pocos días te quitaran, pero enfrente de ti se aparece tu solución.

"Fazbear Party Pizza esta buscando guardia nocturno, Si estas interesado llama al 3012xxxxxxx"

Tu sueldo no sera el mejor pero tendras para poder pagar varias deudas.

Es un trabajo sensillo solo tendras que estar en tu oficina vigilando el local y procurando que nadie entre y dañe o robe mercancia.

Algo facil verda?


"Esos animatronicos tienen vida Jhon, mira si llevo trabajando como un hombre de teléfono durante 1 año, es para procurar que esos animatronicos no vuelvan a matar, yo viví eso y no dejare que nadie vuelva a pasar, pero debes procurar que me harás caso y harás todo lo que te diga ¿okey?, apartar de hoy, ya nadie es de confianza".


You are a young man with many debts who barely has an apartment that will be taken from you in a few days, but your solution appears in front of you.

"Fazbear Party Pizza is looking for a night watchman, if you are interested call 3012xxxxxxx"

Your salary will not be the best but you will have to pay sevPeral debts.

It is a simple job you will only have to be in your office watching over the premises and ensuring that no one enters and damages or steals merchandise.

Something easy right?


"Those animatronics have life Jhon, look if I've been working as a telephone man for 1 year, it's to make sure that those animatronics don't kill again, I lived that and I won't let anyone happen again, but you must make sure you listen to me And you will do everything I tell you, okay? Take away from today, nobody is trustworthy anymore. "



Estarás en tu oficina desde las 12pm a las 6am.

No solo es estar sentado en una silla, enfrente de ti hay un pasillo dividido en 2 por el cual van a venir algunos animatronicos, ilumina para saber que hay alguien hay y evitar que te maten.

Pero no solo es eso.

Vigila las cámaras de ventilación para que ningún animatronico se cuele y te mate, desde tu monitor desprenderás una luz en alguna parte de la ventilación para que el animatronico se distraiga y no llegue hacia ti.

También toca la caja de música de Fredbear, si dejas que se acabe escucharas la ultima canción de tu vida.


You will be in your office from 12pm to 6am.

It is not only sitting in a chair, in front of you there is a corridor divided into 2 through which some animatronics will come, illuminate to know that there is someone there and avoid being killed.

But not only that.

Watch the ventilation chambers so that no animatronic sneaks in and kills you, from your monitor you will give off a light in some part of the ventilation so that the animatronic is distracted and does not reach you.

He also plays Fredbear's music box, if you let it finish you will hear the last song of your life.


Clikteam Fusion 2.5+


Fl Studio 20

Cinema 4d


Samnaf: Creator, Programing, 3d

Foxirite: Co creator, Programing.

#fangame #horror #fnaf #pointnclick #strategy #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Comical Shenanigans


:) wip


Thanks for the 51 followers.

the truth does not expect this xd, well I leave the new cover with the best textured freddy