
Comments (3)

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Esto se ve prometedor :D

Can i be a Voice Actor for this game?

Discord: Sim_Naum_Ofc



Ustedes creen que los dioses? Ustedes creen en la magia o creen en la posibilidad de que algun espiritu o conciencia los posea? pues en esta historia seran testigos de un mundo donde las conciencias de unos experimentos en un la busqueda de invocar a un dios a traves de la tecnologia afectara a 3 amigos en su intento de traer diversion y felicidad a familias, Y por poco lo olvido. no solo afectara a esos 3 amigos, Si no a un pueblo completo. Asi que vamos a seguir a un chico que quiere tratar de ayudar a su pueblo yendo a jack's honey a investigar que pasa en ese lugar, Por suerte el chico cuenta con un avanzado sistema de camaras de seguridad para cuando fueron colocadas en el restaurante hace años. Pero para su mala suerte el restaurante estara con los animatronicos tratando de capturarlo, asi que durante 6 horas el chico va a tener que reportar anomalias, tratar de sobrevivir, y descubrir que pasa aqui


Do you believe that the gods? Do you believe in magic or do you believe in the possibility that some spirit or consciousness possesses you? Well, in this story they will witness a world where the consciousness of some experiments in a search to invoke a god through technology will affect 3 friends in their attempt to bring fun and happiness to families, and they almost forgot. It will not only affect those 3 friends, but an entire town. So we are going to follow a boy who wants to try to help his town by going to Jack's Honey to investigate what is happening there. Luckily the boy has an advanced system of security cameras for when they were placed in the restaurant years ago. . But for his bad luck the restaurant will be with the animatronics trying to capture him, so for 6 hours the boy will have to report anomalies, try to survive, and discover what is happening here. #fnaf #fangame #horror #pointnclick #fna #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Strong Language
Mature Humor



Jack's is moving fast, (we're not moving forward at all)
