
Comments (11)

What do you think?

When Jet is near and/or behind me, he dosent give the bully detention

i have a character idea.

Hello, I really liked this fangame and I wanted to ask you, where did you model the characters and how did you do the pixelated effect of baldis basics?

Can I have the Michael Jr Sprites so I can use it for my thumbnail because I cannot find it in the folders

Can I please use Michael Jr for my thumbnail also the rest of the characters


Michael's super early demo 1.8

Version: 1.7.0almost 4 years ago

Michael's basics full game has a demo! this demo is where it showcases the things that are going to be in the full game. as this game keeps updating it will turn into a full game.

When I'm done with the entire game, mac, 32bit, and the game jolt release will come soon!


WowzaboiModder for his model and Liam and for voice acting them both

Jaden the cool kid 2021 for the Michael model.

Mystman12 for the ORIGINAL game

Credits to paulor94 for the random events and the test scripts

V1.8 Updates:

Added a fully improved camping trip! (With a new character)

Added back free run with a whole new ending!

Added water fountains( they actually work this time) 

Added a new event!

Bug fixes:
Fixed Rapparep's event!

Fixed the pause menu

And more!

If there are any more bugs let me know!

Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!