Comments (6)
ta lindo,ta lindo...
that's great
tamo perto do lançamento ihihehe
Mortal Z Fight
INGLES - This Game Style M.U.G.E.N, Made in Engine 2D Fighter Maker 2nd, is only Version 1.0, version 2.0 Sera pay!
I'm finishing doing the version 0.9, it will have 5 Draggon Ball-
. Goku UI
. Vegeta SS1
. Grand Priest
. Gogeta SSGSS
. Goku Black SSGSS Rosé
2.0 Soon:
.Broly Ultimate v1
.Broly Ultimate v2
.Vegeta SSGSSE
.Kamba SS
.Gogeta SSGSS 2.0
2.0 Soon:
Goku Black Engine
I want to put a lot more characters in the game, and many more transformations!
The Game will be Launched Day 11-15
PORTUGUES - Esse Jogo Estilo M.U.G.E.N, Feito na Engine 2D Fighter Maker 2nd, é Só a Versao 1.0, a versao 2.0 Sera paga!
Estou Terminando de fazer a versao 0.9, ela vai ter 5 personagens de Draggon Ball-
. Goku UI
. Vegeta SS1
. Grand Priest
. Gogeta Blue
. Goku Black Rosé
2.0 Soon:
.Broly Ultimate v1
.Broly Ultimate v2
.Goku SSJB
.Vegeta SSJBE
.Kamba SSJ
.Gogeta Blue 2.0
2.0 Soon:
Goku Black Engine