The game takes place in a once-bustling military fort that has been abandoned for decades. The fort, known as Fort Lumen, was a hub for experimental robotics and weaponry in the late 1980s. After a mysterious accident involving the fortโs advanced defense AI, the facility was shut down and forgotten. Recently, the fort has gained notoriety due to strange sightings and haunting rumors, You play as Alex, a security technician hired to inspect the fort's automated defense systems for a private restoration project. Armed with a handheld tablet that controls the fort's systems, your job is to survive a single night while monitoring and defending against the fort's AI-controlled robots, which have been reactivated for unknown reasons
Fam Wilson/Roinbi - Creator of the game/mdp Oc maker
Scott Cawthon - Owner of FNAF
Fam Wilson/Roinbi (me) - Creator of the game
Five Nights At Freddy's
Five Nights At Toma's
Old Freddy's: A Pleace Of Fun
The Return To Freddy's