Comments (5)
I cant wait as i've been looking for a ONaF Custom Night. VERY EPIK@!1111
Flumpty: Appears at the door. Close it. He can be seen on the cameras
Blam: Ditto Flumpty
Redman: Ditto Flumpty but can not appear on the cameras
Grunkfuss: Don't hover your mouse over him. (EVEN IN THE CAMERAS)
Beaver: Hold your mouse on him till he dissapears
Owl: When they fly around the screen just avoid them with your mouse. (EVEN IN THE CAMERAS)
Golden Flumpty: Continuesly forms in the office. Hold your mouse on him to stop the process.
Fooking Animating Flumpty: Appears at the bottom of the screen. Tap him away. before he offs you
All Seeing Eye Flumpty: Appears at the end of the hall and slowly makes his way towards you. Close the door when he gets too close
Flumpty.EXE: Appears popups on your screen. Tap them to make them go away.
Shadow Flumpty: Slowly forms when you close the door. Open it to stop the process.
Virtual Boy Flumpty: Appears in the office, fiddling with the door. Open the camera and click the "Stop" button to make him stop- well- doing that. If you let him do- that he breaks your door
Door Flumpty: Appears as cardbored cutouts in the office. Occasionally. You'll hear a voice yell "red" or "blue" switch the cutout to whichever color it calls out.
Skull Flumpty: Appears on the cameras. When he reaches his "Skull" phase. Camera flash him.
Fireside Flumpty: Appears on the cameras. After the night stars. He gets a bit hot. Press the cold button to cool him off. But when you press the cold button. After a bit, he gets cold. So press the hot button. But he'll get hot again. Just rince and repeat and dont let him get to hot or cold for to long.
Mr. Snickers: Ditto Redman
Waterwoman: Music box
Gary the Penguin: Appears on the monitors and drains the power. Or Boombox Energy whatever. Camera flash him away. He cannot jumpscare you.
The Elephant: Randomly when you close the monitors. He'll be there. Click him before he soccer punches you to the ground