
Comments (73)

What do you think?

decent game!



7/20 Mode Complete

Looks great! (Android beggars are probably gonna hound you for a port lol)

(This is long, read only if you dare, oh, also some spoilers)

My review of the game: I loved this game, I highly reccomend it! I loves how only N. Toy Fredbear was the only mask character, giving every other mask character unique mechanics, I also really like how N. Toy Springtrap and Nightmare Fredbear use the scrapped dual vent mechanic from the og game, aswell as springtrap having a lure mechanic, similar to FNAF 3. I also like the newer and sleaker designed of the nightmare toys, plus how Nightmare Fredbear doesn't have heads for hands, and now has heads on his hands, plus the new one being a nightmare now is an awesome idea! It's also really cool how you added an endless mode, a custom night with challenges that upon beating them, you will get the animatronic heads on the desk similar to the og office, and a from the ground up recoded version of the original game! The Classic Game is a great addition for pc players who want to play the og game, but the og game's resolution is all fucked up, plus actually adding nightmare springtrap to the game and giving the flashlight an actual use! The Halloween edition is also really cool, completely remodeling the character to be Halloween related, plus reskining the Classic Night to be Halloween related, reusing edits from onwyn he, but also making new edits for characters that didn't appear there, they fit in very well and feel like something red rabbit games would have made! If I had to add anything to this already awesome game, it would be a custom night night for the Classic Night, maybe with challenges, but definatlely a custom night, overall, I give it a solid 10/10, Good Job Dude!


One Night With Your Nightmare: Remake (Official)

Version: 1.0.9about 2 years ago
V1.0.9 Minor bug fix.

ONWYNR: Halloween Edition (Official)

Version: 1.0.9about 2 years ago

ONWYNR Android (Official)

Version: 1.0.4about 2 years ago
186 MB When installed.

ONWYNR Android Lite Edition (Official)

Version: 1.0.4about 2 years ago
177 MB when installed. Only recommended for those with devices that struggle to run the original port.


You're in an unfamiliar location, with many monsters lurking among you. Will you be able to last till 6?


Remaking ONWYN - @OfficialLobsterDog

Created ONWYN - @RedRabbitGames


#fnaf #onwyn #OneNightWithYourNightmare

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Android Version 1.0.4 Patches

If you find any bugs, feel free to contact me on Discord (Cooper#7700)



If y'all wanna check out the site yourself here's the link

The game has officially reached 1,000 Downloads!!!

Android Version 1.0.3 Patches

If you find any bugs, feel free to contact me on Discord (Cooper#7700)

Android Version 1.0.2 Patches

If you find any bugs, feel free to contact me on Discord (Cooper#7700)