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14 Members

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What do you think?

I love the swaps! I can't wait to see Madaton (or whatever their robo-name will be, lol)

40 followers yoooo

papyrus with a doobie.

This is not official underswap

Might contain spoilers to undertale and deltarune


Welcome to Underswap : Tales from between the Stars also known as Dreamswap official game page!


This is an original take made by @THE-GREAT-OMAR (aka @Omk )

This take aimes to completely rewrite underswap from the beginning

It tries to add designs similar to undertale but the personalities are similar to canonswap to make this not "yet another underswap take"

It also aims to use designs and characters that are sort of inspired by temmie's animations,games, and old art made by her to make this feel a bit more "temmie like"

(Old dreamswap Logo by @HolyOranges , Old thumbnail by @splshy )

Inspired by

J-bug underswap take,



Completelyinfinite underswap take


*Why is the frisk swapped with asriel And Chara swapped with flowey?

Because frisk and asriel both share the belief in "don't kill and don't be killed"

Unlike flowey and Chara during a genocide since they both believe in "kill or be killed"

Also ya all know what temmie feels about furries.

*when will it release?

I have no idea.

*Is there a list of the swaps?

There is!

Here it is:

  • Frisk - asriel

  • Chara - flowey

  • Toriel - asgore

  • Sans - alphys

  • undyne - papyrus

  • napstablook - the training dummy

  • Mettaton - the mad dummy

  • Gaster - gerson

  • Temmie - Toby Fox

*Why does this exist?

What is the purpose of your existence?

*is there an orignal history?

Sort of.

The history goes like this:


A War has been declared between the two rulers of the land

Humans And monesters

The people wanting peace were hoping for it to come one day

But The war never stopped

So -

They decided to lock themselves in a further place

A Place where Noone can find them

They Used a special spell that created a barrier around them

Present day-

It seems that the waves took you too far

(For the sake of spoilers I will stop here)

*will frisk be hot?

Yeah so hot in fact -

they died by the heat of the generator!!!?

  • Undertale/Deltarune by Toby "radiation" fox and temmie chang

  • Canonswap by Popcornpr1nce

  • Ts!underswap by team switched

  • j-bug underswap by j-bug

  • Dreamswap by Omk (but in the game world it is made by Timmithy Toyoki)


    • THE-GREAT-OMAR - writer,pixel artist,digital artist,programmer,leader

    • Tartarsse - music artist

    • Fegal - music artist

    • AlexTMM - music artist

    • Biltro - music artist

    • Davidox - pixel artist

    • Holy_oranges - pixel artist

    • Alexberries_147 - digital artists

    • Chaavas - pixel artist

    • Emse/geashiely - digital artist,pixel artist

    • Ryzzor - pixel artist

    • Utrechko - pixel artist

    • Bamthefox_NEO - pixel artist

    • FGC - writer

    • Jason_Costache - writer

    • Ps. We are in need of more members especially godot programmers if you are interested apply here


    • Vizsz - designed most of the characters and the current owner of the old take (underswap end of an era)





#dreamswap #rpg #puzzle #other


















More will be added soon.


Thumbnail and banner have been updated yet again

Thumbnail by @/splshy

I am not really sure but I think you ahould listen to what this guy is sayin, ngl

A not so fun fact

There is an au already called dreamswap

Now I need to rename the project

But I have got a logo already and I have been using it for a while

And the person that made it worked hard on it

I can't just rename the project

What should I do

  5 votes Voting finished

Everyone following this

Please follow this dustbelief take by the name of [UNDERTALE]:Morality

Also they want musicians to make their wonderful fangame

If you are interested check this post…

Updated thumbnail and banner


March devlog will be delayed:(

Maybe to the end of the month or to 2024/3/15


Expect a devlog today:)

Hey ahh

I am pretty much done with what I am gonna reveal next devlog

Should I release it tomorrow/this week or should I wait tell last day before ramadan

  6 votes Voting finished

* you heard em kid.

* if you are one if the people this guy is lookin, for.

* go contact him on discord "omarmahmoudkamil" or on gamejolt in the poster's account.