
Comments (1)

What do you think?

I like the monkey

The Changes Proceed As:




Murder Monkey's Icon, Ultimate Icon, First Skin And Voicelines.

Agatha's Icon, Ultimate Icon And Voiceline.

Gold Watcher's Icon, Ultimate Icon, Voiceline And Walking Sound Effect.

Dread Ducky's Icon And Ultimate Icon.

Clown Gremlin's Icon, Ultimate Icon And Voicelines.

Reaper Nurse's Icon, Ultiate Icon And Voicelines.

Lucky The Rabbit's Icon, Ultimate Icon And Voiceline.

Hangry The Pig's Icon, Ultimate Icon And Voicelines.

Penny The Chicken's Icon And Ultimate Icon

Malak's Icon, Ultimate Icon, An Added Sound Effect To The Laser And Voicelines.

The Fiend's Icon And Ultimate Icon.




Bierce's Icon And Ultimate Icon.

Doug's Ultimate Icon.

Evan's Ultimate Icon.

Vince's Ultimate Icon.

Nikson's Ultimate Icon, Hacking Screen And Voice Added To The Ultimate.

PenPen's Icon And Ultimate Icon.

8-BitRyan's Icon And Ultimate Icon.

SuperHorrorBro's Icon, Ultimate Icon And Hedge Clippers Textures.

Dawko's Icon, Ultimate Icon And Voicelines.

Borisov's Ultimate Icon And An Sound Effect.



Monkey Buisness' Paintings, Scratch Mark, Bellhop Cutout, Chef Monkey Cutout, Doors, Chef Monkeys, Murder Monkey On The Portal And Boss Time Music With An Added Sound Effects.

Elementary Evil's Posters, Fake Portal, Letter A's Voicelines, Letter E's Voicelines, Letter D's Voicelines, Exit Sign, Banner, Trap Time Music And Boss Time Music With Added Sound Effects.

Deadly Decadence's Gold Signs, Skybox, Normal Music With An Added Sound Effect And Trap/Boss Time Music.

Stranger Sewer's Sewer Gate, Graffiti, Doom Ducky, Trap And Boss Time Music And Normal Music With An Added Sound Effects.

Crazy Carnevil's Clown Spiders, Tunnels, Floaters, Spinning Tower, Nomral Music With An Added Sound Effect And Boss Time Music Change With Sound Effects.

Monstrum's Crate Explosion Sound Effect.



Vanish With An Added Sound Effect, Silenced And Banana Peel.



Title Screen With A Welcoming Voice Added, Tutorial Screen, Little Agatha Stealing Your Controller On The Input Screen, Grey Background On Gamemode Guide And Tiers Turned Black, Gamemode Guide Adjusted To Max 6 Players, Waiting/Loading Screens With Music And With An Added Sound Effect, Glowstick Entertainment, Dark Deception, Monstrum And Creators Pack Logo, 1 2 3 GO!, Portal, Portal's Open Pop Up With An Added Sound Effect, You Are Dead With An Added Sound Effect Ultimate Ability Used Now Has An Added Sound Effect, Trap/Boss Time With Sound Effects, Kill And You Failed/New Wave And Final Wave Pop Ups And Reward Pop Up.


And A Special Thanks To @SilentLizard

For Helpful Assistance With The Mod. They Have A Mod On This Game Too, Maybe Check It Out?


I created this mod because this is my first time figuring out how to mod a game, so this is all in good fun. Things are gonna change and this will mostly be worked on until completion maybe, and things will be modified as development continues. Thank you for clicking and checking this little page and mod out. :D

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor

Confident so far with how the development is going, have a little teaser trailer for gameplay and what's to come. Thank you everyone for the support, likes, follows and views on this silly little mod. <3

A small collaboration I've been helping with on the side has been released to it's currently newest state 16/07/2022. It's a wonderful mod and a lot of effort put into it. <3

The final release has done been released, thank you everyone for joining in on this one whacky kind of adventure. <3 Enjoy the wackiness.

The mod might actually be close to fully being released, less than a week possibly, depending on ideas on what textures to replace with what. Quite excited. The gamejolt page has been updated possibly for the last time as a preview for the final release.

QuickDevlog#5 | These old textures were ugly. That's all.