Comments (9)
So far I am enjoying the game.
what is the song that plays at the start of the game with the giant scarecrow chasing you?
Not easy, but not simply because of the fact that it's designed like that. But because I kept getting stuck behind stuff and even fell out of the world at one point.
PLAUDERS Es el comienzo de una saga de Plataformas/Acci贸n/Aventura Grafica peculiarmente emo,Este es el primer Nivel en la historia de Lopenna,cual tras unas pesadillas decide salir a la calle en este primer nivel,Cual no ser谩 tan f谩cil.(No para pusis)
PLAUDERS It is the beginning of a series of Platforms / Action / Adventure Grafica peculiarly emo, This is the first level in the history of Lopenna, which after some nightmares you decide to go out on, the first level, which is not so easy.(Not for pusys)