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gotta get on that grind for ingame currency YKNOW?


A tale of HUMANS, MONSTERS, and a digital world...

PROTOCOL is a fan-game set in the original Undertale universe, and is intended to be canon-compliant.

You take control of Cy, a grey-hat hacker who's been commissioned by a group that is attempting to breach the servers of DIGI GRND, the most secure company in the country, whose main headquarters are located in the city Cy calls home: New Rysk City. You have been tasked to uncover an exploit in DIGI GRND's brand new mass multiplayer VR game, and venture into the depths of the code to try to find... something. 

You, however, have an advantage over the average hacker: by using an experimental program Cy coded themself, you are able to attach your very SOUL to the game's code, allowing you to work faster than any script kiddie could ever dream of. This comes at a high risk, however: Because your SOUL is attached to the game, you will feel the same pain your avatar does. If you die in the virtual world... it's more than just game over. 

In the servers, you might find game NPCs, or maybe even other players of the VR game. Doing quests might not be a bad idea, but they're probably not that important, right? After all...

You have one job in mind: find a way into the company's most secure servers. 

But are you gonna stop there? Or will you dig even deeper? In other words...

What will you do?

> _

  • Travel between the city in the real world and the fantasy land in virtual reality!

  • A new battle system, inspired by the Mario & Luigi RPG series!

  • New, unique characters! (This one was kind of a given, honestly...)

  • A distinct lack of dogs...?

  • Dive into the deepest, darkest depths of the code...

  • Get your roommate to pay rent!

  • Okay, maybe a few dogs.

  • ...oh hey, a cool bird!



...what, did you think fangames just spontaneously spawn into existence? Nah, PROTOCOL is actually being made by our super talented team! Check them out:








  • Poody @poody_blue for creating UTTO and the OTHERTALES genre as a whole.

  • Shifted @theteaminbetween for inspiring the original concept for PROTOCOL.


Come check out the Official Othertales Discord! We have a community dedicated to original stories set in Undertale's world, such as:

#fangame #rpg #adventure #puzzle #undertale #othertale

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Introducing PROTOCOL's narrator...