
Comments (38)

What do you think?


If you need any help with development, I would love to assist in any way possible. I am fluent in C# (and I could pick up JS if you'd rather use that), work with a lot of algorithms, and understand the Unity Interface well. I am also good with modeling, texturing, and shading with blender for asset generation. I can work with pixel art as well. Plus, if you give me a bit, I could pick up more of the Unity shader language.

please get back to me at [email protected] if you do want a small collaborator. I would only want to help for the experience; I do not desire any compensation if the game does sell for money.

people's satisfaction are on your hands.

I really want to see this become a thing. If you could find a art director and sound director I think you might be on track for something amazing.

How can I download this game? I can not find the link.

To about everyone below:
This game is CANCELLED. It is no longer being worked on, and until further notice there will not be a release.


What is Petscop?

If you're viewing this page then you have most likely have heard of or seen Petscop, for the people who don't have a clue as to "what a Petscop is" then I'll give you a brief description of what it is.

Petscop is an obscure Playstation 1 game that your Average Joe by the name of Paul found and the people who made the game goes by the name of Garalina (which nobody has heard of/nothing can be found about them online). When Paul found the game, a strange note came with it saying something about a Shadow Monster Man and a code that you can enter when in a certain room. Paul goes into the required room and enters the code, the happy music that was once playing suddenly comes to a halt and from then on, peculiar events start taking place. Going further into the game, Paul decided to start recording and created a new save file so he could replicate what he did previously and show what the result was after doing so.

Sound intriguing? Well if so then make sure to click this link to watch the series of videos that have been posted to witness this amazing webseries.

So you're recreating Petscop?

Yup! I'm basically a weaboo when it comes to this webseries, I really love it and would love to play it, however, since it's a webseries and nobody else has got their hands onto this game and seeing how the creator might not share the game with us, I've decided to recreate a functional Petscop game for myself and for everyone else who wants to play it as well.

Full credit will of course go to the original creator because plagiarism is for shitheads.

So when's it gonna be relea-

Don't even ask because I have no idea when it will be, making due-date estimates usually don't end up well so I'm not going to risk that. Currently I'm working by myself but a friend may help me in the future, the more people I have working on this project, the faster it'll be released so if you want to help with this then all you have to do is ask and say what you could help with (such as sprites, music, etc.) we will discuss about it either through via email or maybe in the comments or somethin, I dunno.


-Game Engine: Unity 5
-Programs used: Photoshop CS6, Adobe Audition CS6, etc.
-Team: Currently just me.

E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @clickclique0

#horror #petscop


10 Months Later...

UPDATE [3] - Assets/Fixed issue


UPDATE [2] - What I am currently doing

UPDATE [1] - Textures