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In 2009, a man named Vlad loved his toys. Their names were: Plankton, Mishka, Er and Nizh. And in 2015, when Vlad grew up, he threw these toys in the trash, because he is an adult and has his own job. When he went into his room an hour later, he was very surprised to see the same Plankton and his other toys, which he had thrown into the trash. And Plankton headed towards him with the toys. Vlad ran, ran, and managed to escape from the apartment and lock it. He was very surprised when he saw this. Then he realized that his toys had somehow come to life.

Then Vlad runs out and goes to the police station. And he explains to the police that there are live toys in his apartment, but they do not believe him and think that he has lost his mind. Then Vlad asked 2 police officers to accompany him to the apartment. Then 2 policemen accepted the answer that they would go with him to that apartment.

When they arrived, Vlad told two policemen to come to his apartment. And they said without question. But when they went in, they saw the toys moving and attacking two policemen and killing them. And at this time, Vlad took a video of the toys attacking the policemen and went to show it to everyone. And everyone believed him, and there were even news about live toys

Mykhailo, who is sitting in front of the TV, notices the news about toys. He thought it was a lie and was able to write the street and apartment number on the TV. He came to that place and went to open the door. When he opened the door, he was attacked by Plankton and Mikhail lost consciousness.

Mykhailo wakes up in Vlad's apartment and wants to leave some room, but hears a strange ringing. Mykhailo picks up the phone, and it's Vlad. Vlad explains to Mykhailo that his toys came to life and even killed two policemen. Mykhailo is surprised, and Vlad tells him not to leave the room where he is. Soon, Vlad came up with a plan to rescue Mikhail from this cursed apartment and explained to Mikhail.


The game is coming soon, will have a lot of development. The game is also very similar to "Five Nights with Froggy".


#fnaf #plankton #fangame #fnwp #fnwf #horror

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