
Comments (7)

What do you think?

Sorry that the kickstarter was unsuccessful, but I still see great prospects in this game :)

i looked through the project file and saw a weapon called rusty scalpel, where could that be found?

Hey so I know the tile puzzle says “WHATS THE FUNNY NUMBER” but there’s no hint to it other then that note so I can’t solve the puzzle, btw tried 69 and it didn’t work so if you could help me out that would be great.

Hey it went well, we justttt needed 6.000 $

I’m sorry about how the Kickstarter wen, it’s a shame that it ended like that. Still, we hope that you can keep working on the game some more. When I first found this game, I figured that I might as well give each game that caught my eye a try. Never realized how much I was going to enjoy the game. I liked the characters, the combat system, and the fact our kind actions can have a real effect on people.

I just hope that this game doesn’t get canceled and that chapter 2 gets released one day.


“PLAY ROUGH” is a turn-based post-apocalyptic JRPG.  THIS DEMO IS OUTDATED! To experience Play Rough in all of its modern glory... Please check out!!! Thank you!

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes
Comical Shenanigans

The kickstarter failed... But I got a publisher, so that's a big win...

Play Rough RPG is now on steam! Coming soon, anyways!!!

This demo is outdated, but will remain online for archival purposes.